Sarangi Family

The Sarangi family was expelled from Uganda in 1972. With two parents and eight children their family was relocated to the United Kingdom and Canada. Some family members had arrived in Canada, one year prior to the expulsion decree but would soon be joined by the majority of the Sarangi family.

This is their story that ends positively where they continue to flourish as resilient people. They have reconciled their past without any regrets for the misfortunes imposed on them. Adversity gave them new opportunities when Canada gave them safe haven. They treasure the generosity this country provided and harbor no ill will towards others. They assimilated into the society, having good jobs, paid their fair share of taxes and never took a cent from the government. Their family is a testament that as immigrants starting out with nothing, they have contributed a lot and their kids & grandkids are following their example. This is their legacy.

Currently, each of the family members have established families of their own which are spread across North America and UK. Featured within the oral history interview are multiple perspectives and recollections of the family’s roots in Uganda and subsequent resettlement in Canada. Their struggles while adjusting to life in Canada demonstrate the complexity of resettlement in Canada.

This interview was conducted in the home of Shirinkanu Sarangi in Toronto.

Interview Audio:
