Support Us!

The Uganda Collection is a unique record that is of wide interest. Most importantly, the conservation and expansion of this collection will preserve the memory of this critical juncture in the history of the community.

With your support, the Uganda Collection will continue to preserve the collective memory of a significant immigrant community. This collection will be used by researchers studying immigration, diaspora, African political history and a wide variety of other areas. Faculty members will also use the collection for teaching—giving undergraduate and graduate students the important experience of working with primary source materials.

Funds raised for the Uganda Collection will be used to:

  • Conduct oral history interviews with members of the Ugandan Asian community
  • Transcribe oral history interviews for public use
  • Process archival material for physical and online exhibition
  • Create archival finding aids for online research, and
  • Perform any long-term preservation necessary on archival material

As a registered charitable organization, Carleton University issues gift receipts for contributions. That receipt can then be used to receive federal and provincial tax credit on your annual income tax return. Please consider contributing to this project and help us to create a lasting archive for future generations.

Banner photo: Ben Nelms