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Where to Place Keywords to Improve your SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization which means optimizing your website so that you can not only be found on Google, but come up high in the search ranking.

How Search Engines Work

Search engines basically “crawl” your website’s content and evaluate whether that content is relevant to what the searcher is looking for. This is generally based on four things:

Choosing your Keywords

When it comes to determining what keywords to focus on, you want to think like your visitor. What would they actually type into a search engine?

Where to put Keywords

Once you’ve chosen your keywords, you then need to place them strategically throughout your content.  You should try to put them in the following places:

As important as it is to place your keywords throughout your content, it’s imperative that you use them naturally.  Do not key word stuff, meaning using the keyword over and over in places that don’t fit.  Google won’t like this and neither will your visitors.

And  that’s what SEO really comes down to at the end of the day – writing content that is of value to your visitors.

Want to learn more? Check out our SEO workshop material.