Meet Our People: Ian
Every month we are profiling one of the Web Services Department’s team members. This month we hear about Ian who is a co-op student with Web Services.

How did you enter this career?
My journey in communications started in Grade 12 during the university application process. I knew that I wanted to pursue further education, but I wasn’t sure what program was for me. What I did know, was that I was better at writing than I was at math and science, so I looked for courses that with aligned with my skill set. Communications and Media Studies stuck out to me because it felt like an extension of some of the skills I already possessed, while offering lots of opportunity for growth, so it was a perfect fit.
Currently, I am completing my first co-op term with Carleton Web Services as a Web Communications Advisor.
Where else have you worked?
In the summer of 2019 I worked as a Communications Assistant at a non-profit organization that provides services and information to those affected by dementia.
Other than that, I have worked at a grocery store, a butcher shop, and a plastic production factory.
What are some of the technologies you have used along the way? (What are you passionate about?)
I was introduced to content management systems through Microsoft SharePoint in my last communications position, and I’ve been working on improving that knowledge by using WordPress with Carleton Web Services.
In terms of other types of programs, I’ve learned a lot about SPSS through a quantitative research course I took last year, which was very useful for organizing and interpreting large data sets. I enjoy learning about new programs, and communications is a great field for that.
What are the best things about your program?
I think my favourite part about Communication and Media Studies is that it is such a wide-ranging program that provides a lot of career opportunities, while also allowing me to significantly improve my writing, research, and communication skills. These experiences allow me to take the knowledge I’ve learned in school and apply it to a field that I’m passionate about.
Furthermore, I’m also minoring in Philosophy, which I have found to be incredibly interesting. It has been very useful for teaching me how to properly defend and oppose ideas about ethics, explore the essence of being and identity, and generally improve my critical thinking skills. Although challenging and complex at times, I’ve really enjoyed it.
Do you have some exciting projects you are working on right now?
Right now I’m learning a lot about WordPress and the process of editing and publishing web pages. Along with that, Carleton Web Services is working on the new CuTheme Project.
What music are you listening to at the moment?
I’m a big fan of The Black Keys, so I’m usually always listening to something by them. Right now it’s their album’s Turn Blue and Rubber Factory. I’m also listening to Yours, Dreamily, by The Arcs and My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy by Kanye West.
I love finding new music, so I’m always open to suggestions.
What are you reading at the moment?
I’ve got to admit, I don’t read very many books outside of school, but most recently I read my great-grandfather’s book, I Skied the Thirties. My family has always had one of the original copies lying around my house, jammed full of old photos and signatures from my grandfather’s friends, so I decided to give it a read. It’s all about the introduction and development of alpine skiing in Canada, as well as the evolution of ski hills in the Montreal and Mont-Tremblant area that contributed to its development. I find it really interesting because I’ve had the chance to snowboard at some of the places mentioned in the book, and I can see for myself how far alpine sports have come since the 1930’s.
What do you do outside of work/school to amuse yourself?
As I mentioned above, I’m really interested in snowboarding. I think my favourite thing about it is that it always presents a challenge. No matter how much experience you have, there is always something to improve at. It’s a great way to get out and explore places you’ve never been before and try things that scare you. Some of the most memorable days of my life were spent on a snowboard with some friends.
When there’s no snow on the ground, I’m more likely to be playing basketball. I’ve never played on an organized team, but my friends and I frequent the courts in my hometown, usually looking for a pickup game.
What exciting plans do you have coming up in the next year?
Following this work term I’m going to be starting my last year at Carleton and will be preparing to finish my degree in 2021. Other than that, I’m planning to travel to Alberta and British Columbia with some friends this winter for a snowboarding trip! Super excited for that.