Posts sorted by cuTheme

cuTheme Go Live Checklist
Launching your website is an exciting milestone—congratulations! To help you transition smoothly, we’ve created this quick checklist. Follow these steps…

Announcing the Pilot Phase of cuTheme Rollout
We are excited to announce that we will begin the pilot phase of our cuTheme rollout on June 10. During…

Choices, choices: migration planning for cuTheme
We are getting close! Very soon we will be starting to move websites from the CCMS and Framework templates into…

cuTheme Update - November 2023
For the past several months, we have been working away on cuTheme, our newest web template. We are excited to…

Coming out on top: the new top nav menu in cuTheme
One exciting development we can’t wait to bring to you with cuTheme is the top navigation menu. Top refers to…

cuTheme Ready - Prepare your Site for a Seamless Migration!
Reviewing your website thoroughly before migrating it, lets you start off on the right foot and can make for a…

Back end block checks: helping you to help your website
If you clicked on the headline for this post and expected an article on a player who stops the quarterback…

End of an error: removing the HTML code editor in WordPress
There are a lot of great improvements to the Carleton web template on the horizon when we launch cuTheme. Something…

Web Wednesday Recap - cuTheme Demo and Update
If you were unable to attend the recent Web Wednesday event, no worries we have got you covered ... For…

An Exemplar cuTheme Site: The Sprott Success
Liz Lariviere, Web & Digital Communications Coordinator Preparing for the new cuTheme migration can be very exciting, although, it can…

cuTheme Teasers: Video Block Sneak Peek
Welcome to the next post of our cuTheme teaser series! Today we give you a sneak peek into the video…

Web Wednesday Recap - Top Navigation
If you missed our workshop on top navigation, don't fret - we are here for you! Today I'll be recapping…
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