If you are unfamiliar with Carleton, the process of choosing a major can be somewhat confusing at first. There are a few terms you must know in order to understand how to change from being BA Undeclared into a different area of study:

Degree Program

A degree program is the course of study that leads to your academic degree. Visit Degree Programs at Carleton for the full list of options. When you graduate, your degree program determines the designation on your diploma. For example, if your degree program is Arts, then you receive a Bachelor of Arts degree. If your degree program is Commerce, you receive a Bachelor of Commerce degree. As a BA Undeclared student, you are admitted to the Bachelor of Arts degree program.

Program Elements

Within your degree program, there are various program elements that you can choose to pursue. One of these elements is called a major. A major is your main area of study in which you will take the majority of your classes. Visit the Arts Admissions Page to see a full list of majors within the Bachelor of Arts. As you can see if you click on each of the Degree Programs at Carleton, some degree programs have multiple majors while others only have one major (for example, if you are in the Bachelor of Journalism degree program, there is no major option listed because the only major option is Journalism).

Another program element you may wish to change is your degree type. Some degree programs give students the option of either pursuing an honours or a general degree. The majority of students at Carleton pursue an honours degree, which can be completed in four years of full-time study and often includes a final project or research paper. The general degree can be completed in three years of full-time study and does not include a final project or research paper. For students who wish to continue their education after completing a bachelor’s degree, it is often necessary to complete an honours degree. Some majors are very flexible and allow you to take two majors at the same time, which is called a combined honours.

Other program elements include minors, concentrations, specializations, and streams. These are all smaller pieces that can be used to either complement your major or to give you the opportunity to focus on a particular area of study within your major. The majority of minors, concentrations, specializations, and streams can only be added after completing your first year of study.


How to Change Your Degree Program

As a BA Undeclared student, you are currently enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts degree program. If you would like to transfer to a different degree program (such as the Bachelor of Humanities, Bachelor of Commerce, or Bachelor of Science), you need to apply to that degree program through Undergraduate Admissions. Please be aware that each degree program has separate admission requirements and required prerequisite courses. Many degree programs also have specific application deadlines.

For information on the requirements, deadlines, and application process for changing degree programs, visit the application information for Internal Applicants. If you have any questions about the application process, contact Undergraduate Admissions.

How to Declare a Major

As a BA Undeclared student, you are currently enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts degree program. If you would like to change your major from Undeclared to a different major within the Bachelor of Arts (such as English, History, Psychology, or Sociology), simply login to Carleton Central and then click on Change of Program Elements.  Before you submit the Change of Program Elements request, we encourage you to check with either an advisor in the Academic Advising Centre (AAC) or with the academic department that is responsible for the program to ensure that you are eligible to make the change you are requesting.
Because the entrance requirements are the same for almost all majors within the Bachelor of Arts, this is usually a simple process and you can expect to know if your application was approved within 1-3 days after filling out the Change of Program Elements on Carleton Central. You can also add, drop or change your minor, concentration, specialization, or stream using the Change of Program Elements.

For more information on changing program elements, visit Change of Major, Minor, etc.. If you have any questions about the application process, contact the Registrar’s Office.
