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How to Write Great Posts: Workshop Recap

On June 13th, Mary Kathryn and Charlotte hosted a Writing Great Posts workshop.

This workshop focused on three areas: writing great post titles, writing great posts, and promoting your post.

Writing Great Post Titles

The few words that make up the headline are the most important few words in your post. Why?

Here are 5 things to consider when crafting your title:

  1. Use Key Words
  2. Keep it Simple
  3. Grab Attention
  4. Meet a Need
  5. Describe

I find it easiest to write the headline first (and then come back to it to make it better later) so I know in my mind the main point of the post. It helps keep the post focused.

Writing Great Posts

The backbone to writing great content, whether it’s in a post, a page, or an event, is to make sure that your writing is SAS – scannable, accessible, and searchable.

Here are five tips to help you write great posts that meet our SAS requirements:

  1. Break up long paragraphs – no more than 50 words per paragraph
  2. Write short sentences – between 20 and 40 words (avoid filler words, simple language)
  3. Break up the text with bullets
  4. Use standalone sentences
  5. Use active voice (easier to read) and pronouns (easier to relate to)

It also helps to start with a framework.  For example, you may begin with an intro line, then a lead in followed by your main points (use your H2 and H3 headings here!), and then your conclusion.

Promoting your Post

Now that you’ve crafted the perfect post, how do you make sure that people are reading it?

Interested in attending our next workshop?

We will be holding these workshops each month, so we’d love to have you come out!

Our next workshop is on conducing a site content review.  In this workshop we will dive into your analytics reports to find out what is and what isn’t working for you.

Seating is limited, so RSVP now!