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CMS Help Centre is Under Construction!

Our CMS Help Centre is projected to be under construction commencing January 28.

Get Excited!

Here are some exciting changes to the CMS Help Centre in this upgrade:

Module-Based Training

No more getting lost in hundreds of individual tutorial posts! We are rearranging and categorizing our training content into modules, each tackling a topic helpful for you as a new CMS site manager.

That also means you will be able to conduct self-directed CMS training!

Intuitive Navigation

With CMS tutorial pages being categorized based on their topics, it will be easier to navigate the site and find the topic you need.

Comprehensive Training Topics

Our current Help Centre does not cover every function and content type on CMS. In this upgrade, we will update more tutorials to fill in these gaps, making the CMS Help Centre a reliable resource hub you can always reference!

What If I Need Something Right Now?

During the construction, our site may look a little different, but don’t worry! We are only moving things around, not deleting anything. To find the content you need, you can always use search bar on the banner of the CMS Help Centre homepage!

You can also set up a training session by sending us a training request!