Conference News: Worlding Through the Caribbean
“Explore the legacies of Caribbean thought on global art histories and public culture.” Dr. Ming Tiampo and Dr. Birgit Hopfener (Carleton Art & Architectural History) are among the organizers of the forthcoming Tate Modern conference consent not to be a single being: Worlding Through the Caribbean. The three day event,
takes the Caribbean and Caribbean thought as a starting point to reconsider global histories of art and contemporary public cultures. As a region wrought by the transhistorical forces of enslavement, colonialism, resource extraction and industrialisation, Caribbean modernity allows us to theorise larger patterns about forms of global modernities. Drawing on the foundational work of Caribbean thinkers Édouard Glissant, Stuart Hall and Sylvia Wynter, the symposium explores their impact on our understanding of the material, epistemological and ontological repercussions of these histories.
Full details at