Honourary Appointments
Anderson, Heather
- Curator (Carleton University Art Gallery) and Adjunct Research Professor (AAH)
- heather.anderson5@carleton.ca
- 6135202600 ext 1355
Brooke, Janet
- Adjunct Research Professor
Burant, James
- Adjunct Research Professor
- jimburant@rogers.com
Carr, Angela
- Retired Professor
- angela_carr@carleton.ca
- ext 1840
de la Ruffinière du Prey, Pierre
- Adjunct Research Professor
Dyck, Sandra
- Director (Carleton University Art Gallery) and Adjunct Research Professor (AAH)
- sandra.dyck@carleton.ca
- (613) 520–2600 ext 1357
Elder, Alan
- Adjunct Professor
Foss, Brian
- Chancellor’s Professor Emeritus
- brian_foss@carleton.ca
- ext 3791
Gewurtz, Michelle
- Adjunct Research Professor
Igloliorte, Heather
- Adjunct Research Professor
- heather.igloliorte@concordia.ca
Inglis, Stephen
- Adjunct Research Professor
- stephen.inglis@carleton.ca
Kausch, Anke
Laforet, Andrea
- Adjunct Research Professor
Mesley, Roger
- Retired Professor
- ext 2343
Mitter, Partha
- Adjunt Reseach Professor
Nemiroff, Diana
- Adjunct Research Professor
Osborne, John
- Distinguished Research Professor and Retired Faculty Member
- john.osborne@carleton.ca
Phillips, Ruth
- Professor Emeritus
- ruth_phillips@carleton.ca
Riopelle, Christopher
Spencer, Justina
- Adjunct Professor, Postdoctoral Fellow
- Justina.Spencer@Carleton.ca
Thcu_people_websiteby, Malcolm
- Adjunct Research Professor
Waldron, Andrew
- Adjunct Professor
- andrew.waldron@carleton.ca