Art and Architecture Professor Ming Tiampo publishes new book Jin-Me Yoon: Life & Work

Professor Ming Tiampo has published a new book on contemporary artist Jin-Me Yoon with the Art Canada Institute. From the publisher:
In Jin-me Yoon: Life & Work, Ming Tiampo reveals how Yoon’s multidisciplinary art—which includes photography, video, and performances—investigates how we engage with our surroundings and offers hope for a better tomorrow. It considers how one of Canada’s most important voices on the nature of identity developed a critical perspective on the representation of this country in museums, art history, the tourist industry, and monuments with groundbreaking works such as Souvenirs of the Self, 1991, and Group of Sixty-Seven, 1996–97, projects that, as Tiampo notes, have become “canonical touchstones in the public articulation of Canadian identity and race.”
For more information and to download the book, go to