Current Research

Research in the lab
The overall goal of research in the BEA-WELL lab is to understand predictors of behaviour and well-being. As can be seen in the diagram above, understanding well-being is a central topic and viewed as interconnected with behaviours, correlates and mechanisms of behaviour, and how we assess these variables. People working in the lab study a variety of topics including:
- Well-Being: flourishing, meaning, positive and negative affect, and symptoms of depression and anxiety
- Behaviours: physical activity and exercise, sport, screen time and social media, sleep quality
- Correlates and Mechanisms: Psychological need satisfaction and frustration, autonomous and controlled motivation, harmonious and obsessive passion, self-compassion, family achievement guilt, minority stress, procrastination, mindfulness
- Assessment: reliability and validity evidence for scores of self-report instruments, adapting self-report instruments
Ongoing Projects in the lab include:
- SSHRC-funded project examining the role of quality screen time experiences and well-being
- A collaborative project with Drs. Burns and Milyavskaya examining daily behaviours and psychological processes using accelerometers and experience sampling methods