Photo Credit: Peter Thornton
Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management (BPAPM)
Arthur Kroeger College
Most students choose a program and then find a career. It sounds like you found your career first.
That’s true. I was disappointed with the results of the 2014 Ontario provincial election, so I started volunteering for MP Colin Carrie in my home riding of Oshawa. I asked his advice about university choices and he suggested that for a career in politics, it was best that I go to school in Ottawa. I took his advice by accepting my offer to take PAPM at Carleton. Two weeks after arriving in Ottawa, I began working in Dr. Carrie’s office on Parliament Hill.
What appealed to you about the Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management?
What caught my attention initially was the picture of Parliament on the front of their brochure. The more I read about the program, the more it appealed to me. I liked the idea that it is an interdisciplinary program that includes law, history, French, and politics—all of my favourite subjects. PAPM would also allow me to specialize in an area of particular interest, and enable me to take a minor in business.
In the end, I most enjoyed the classes unique to my specialization in Strategic Public Opinion and Policy Analysis (SPOPA). I am grateful to have learned from such accomplished Professors, and to have learned alongside such talented and driven classmates. It was Professors Azzi, Coletto, Robson and Wilson who encouraged me to apply for the Masters of Political Management, which I will be starting in September—while working full time.
How has your career evolved over the past four years?
After Dr. Carrie offered me a job, I began to assume additional responsibility while getting to know more people in the Conservative parliamentary family. In the summer of 2015, I applied for the Conservative internship program and was placed with Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Chief of Staff, Ray Novak. I worked from early morning until late at night, but it was the most exhilarating experience of my life. Since 2015, I have worked with Senator Linda Frum and the digital marketing firm, Eddt.
I currently serve as the Senate Conservative Caucus Liaison for Senator David Wells (Newfoundland and Labrador), the Senate Conservative Caucus Chair. It is my role to coordinate caucus activities and do a lot of the behind-the-scenes work that goes into caucus management. I also act as an intermediary between Conservatives in the Senate and the House of Commons.
What’s the secret to your success?
I always knew I liked politics and wanted to make a difference for people, so I worked hard and good things have come my way. I owe a tremendous amount of gratitude to my political mentors (all of whom are in politics for the right reasons) as they have taught me valuable lessons that I will carry with me for the rest of my career.
This story was originally published on the FPA website.