We asked Shruti Sandhu, one of our recent graduates of the PAPM program to tell us more about her experience in the program and her plans for the future. Shruti graduated from the Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management program where she specialized in Communication Policy Studies: Strategic Public Opinion.

What led you to choose a degree in BPAPM?

I was interested in BPAPM because of the range of courses I could take, the specialization option and the co-op program. I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to study but I knew I was interested in politics, policy, history, economics, communications and law. PAPM gave me a chance to try all of those courses and then pick an area to specialize in. I was also really excited about the co-op program because I wanted to work in the field during school.

What were the highlights of your experience?  

Being president of PAPM’s student society in my third year was both a privilege and something that I really enjoyed doing. I got the chance to meet hundreds of PAPM students and contribute to the sense of community our program is known for. Because the program is so small, there is a lot of specific administrative support that we have access to. I was very appreciative of how helpful admin was in making sure that I was able to get the most out of my degree. I was also lucky enough to work as a Senate Page and intern at Abacus Data, both of which were only possible because of this program.

What did you learn that you found most important?

Build genuine relationships with people – whether that be your professors, classmates, your HRE supervisor or administration – most people want to see you succeed and are willing to help. Your time at university will be much more enjoyable if you do.

What advice would you give to students who are thinking about joining the BPAPM program?

Be open to new people, perspectives and experiences. If you’re interested in the courses that PAPM offers, you belong in this program.

What’s next for you?

I am pursuing a Bachelor of Education with the goal of becoming an elementary school teacher in the near future. I am open to eventually working in education policy so that I can help improve schools and curriculum.