
Students in the Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management (BPAPM) Program can register in PAPM 4908 Honours Research Essay (HRE) in their final year. This course constitutes one credit (1.0 CR). The intention is that the topic area of the essay relate to policy issues relevant to the student’s Specialization within the degree. However, the project can take a wide range of forms, resembling an academic study more than a policy paper.  The faculty colleagues who kindly agree to supervise a BPAPM Honours Research Essay come from across the Faculty of Public Affairs, and indeed from across the University as a whole.

HRE Guidelines for Students

HRE Guidelines for Supervisors

HRE Dates & Deadlines – September 2024 to April 2025

To Be Submitted: To Be Completed By: To Be Submitted to: Deadline Link
Supervision Consent Form Student BPAPM September 23, 2024 Supervision Consent Form
Research Essay Proposal Student Supervisor November 11, 2024
Proposal Grade Report Supervisor BPAPM November 18, 2024 HRE Proposal Grade Report
Final Honours Research Essay Student Supervisor April 4, 2025
Final Grade Report Supervisor BPAPM April 18, 2025 HRE Final Grade Report
Copy of Final Honours Research Essay Student BPAPM April 18, 2025

HRE Dates & Deadlines – May 2024 to August 2024

To Be Submitted: To Be Completed By: To Be Submitted to: Deadline Link
Supervision Consent Form Student BPAPM May 10, 2024 Supervision Consent Form
Research Essay Proposal Student Supervisor June 7, 2024
Proposal Grade Report Supervisor BPAPM June 14, 2024 HRE Proposal Grade Report
Final Honours Research Essay Student Supervisor August 12, 2024
Final Grade Report Supervisor BPAPM August 19, 2024 HRE Final Grade Report
Copy of Final Honours Research Essay Student BPAPM August 19, 2024