Photo of Savannah DeWolfe

Savannah DeWolfe

Parliamentary Secretary Assistant, Regional Affairs Advisor, Office of the Honourable Catherine McKenna

Degrees:MPM/17, BPAPM/16

Savannah works in the Environment Minister’s office and acts as a liaison between the Parliamentary Secretary, Sean Fraser, and the Department. She is also Minister McKenna’s regional affairs advisor for Atlantic Canada. She prepares the Parliamentary Secretary for Question Period, and assists the Atlantic Canadian MPs with their files as they relate to her Minister’s portfolio. Savannah is also completing her second year of law school at the University of Ottawa.

Formerly from 2015 to 2017, Savannah worked as an Executive Assistant to Sean Fraser, Member of Parliament for Central Nova. Savannah has also provided support to many federal and provincial election campaigns from 2012-present.

Prior to joining the MP office on the Hill, Savannah worked at the United Nations in Vienna, and before that on the Hill as a Senate Page.

Savannah holds a Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management with a specialization in Human Rights and a minor in Law, along with a Masters Degree in Political Management, both from Carleton University.