Introducing Brightspace by D2L! Brightspace will replace cuLearn in May 2021 coinciding with the launch of the summer term. There’s a lot to look forward to!

Benefits of Brightspace

The new system will provide several key advantages, including:

  • A faster, more reliable system
  • A clean and easy to navigate interface
  • 24/7 technical support
  • Updates and new features added regularly without outages

Other Ottawa post-secondary institutions, including the University of Ottawa, Algonquin College and La Cité, also use Brightspace, which means students in joint programs will have a more consistent experience.


D2L provides on-demand technical support for Brightspace 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, so you’ll be able to get answers to your questions anytime. Teaching and Learning Services (TLS) has also developed a Brightspace Student Support website, where you can find documentation on how to navigate and use the system.

Get a Sneak Peek 

Learning new technology is partly about exploring the tool for yourself. Curious to look inside the Brightspace interface? Check out the Tour of Brightspace video for a short introduction from a student’s point of view.