O’Brien and Ormeci win research awards

The Carleton University Research Achievement Awards are administered by the Office of the Vice-President (Research and International). The purpose of these awards is to recognize outstanding research achievements. The awards were established in 1989 to enhance the quality of research and to recognize research excellence. The recipients’ terms run from May to April.
Research Achievement Awards 2015
Liam (William) O’Brien, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Project Title: Demonstration of Occupant Behaviour Models in the Building Design Process Professor O’Brien is the principle investigator of the Human Building Interaction Lab, a multidisciplinary research group of 10 researchers who are focused on better understanding the complex interrelationships between humans, buildings, and energy use. His project focusses on developing a methodology and design guidelines for using stochastic occupant behaviour models to support better building simulation and design. |
Banu Örmeci, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Project Title: Developing a Microalgae-based Wastewater Treatment System for the Removal of Emerging Substances of Concern, Heavy Metals, and Pathogens Using microalgae for wastewater treatment offers several potential benefits such as removal of organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, emerging substances of concern (ESOCs), heavy metals, and pathogens. Professor Ormeci’s research shows excellent capability of microalgae to remove nutrients and organic carbon from wastewater under Canadian conditions and her project will study the potential of microalgae to remove ESOCs, heavy metals, and pathogens from wastewater to make it a complete treatment process. |