Robinson 2015 Co-op Student of the Year

Congratulations to the recipient of the 2015 Undergraduate Co-op Student of the Year, Brandon Robinson, a fourth-year civil engineering student. Robinson spent three consecutive work terms (one year) at Maple Reinders Constructors Limited in the role of Assistant Project Coordinator within the Buildings Division.
During his time at Maple Reinders, Robinson quickly assumed the responsibilities of a Project Coordinator and completed tasks with a level of quality typically provided by an individual with years of experience.
“Brandon was relied heavily upon to reacquire and maintain control of a difficult project with a number of challenging variables. He demonstrated sound technical abilities, initiative, and maturity above and beyond what is normally expected or seen from a co-op student,” said John Feldkamp, Robinson’s co-op supervisor. “Our experience with Brandon reinforces the value and importance of employing co-op students.”
The Co-op Awards are held each year to recognize the achievements and outstanding contributions and performance of Carleton’s co-op students and their employers.