PhD student Sujit Das one of top 10 finalists in 3MT

PhD student Sujit Das was one of the top 10 finalist in the 3 Minute Thesis Competition held on March 15. Das is supervised by Professor Ata Khan.
The 3MT is a celebration of graduate student research that challenges grad students to communicate the key concepts of their research in a compelling presentation of three minutes or less. The Carleton 3MT began in 2013 and has grown in popularity every year. A panel of judges from within Carleton, the Ottawa community and from the Graduate Students’ Association evaluates each of the brief, compelling presentations.
Participation in the 3MT can be tremendously enriching, both academically and personally. Winners receive cash prizes and the opportunity to represent Carleton at the provincial competition in April. Former participants report that competing in the 3MT helped to build confidence and enhance their academic, presentation, and communication skills. Participants also enjoy great research exposure within Carleton, to other departments, and even in media.
To view Sujit Das presentation click here.