Carleton wins 2nd Prize in the Canadian Geotechnical Society’s Undergraduate Report Competition 2022
Team “GeoResources Ltd” of 6 Carleton students supervised by Prof. Paul Simms participated in the Canadian Geotechnical Society’s Undergraduate Report Competition (Group) 2022, with a report titled “All-Season Transportation Corridor Between Cochrane And Moose Factory.”
Their report will be recognized for achieving the 2nd Place Award at the upcoming Canadian Geotechnical Society’s annual conference in Calgary in October 2022.
The Canadian Geotechnical Society holds annual student competitions to recognize excellence among undergraduate and graduate engineering students at Canadian universities.
The purpose of these awards is to foster undergraduate students’ skills in solving open-ended geotechnical design problems, and in preparing formal technical reports. The award in the Group Effort category has the further purpose of fostering teamwork skills. The awards are assessed based on the written report (e.g. thesis, geotechnical design report, term project).
It should be highlighted that this is their second time winning an award for the same project as they won the Mike Sheflin Student Paper Competition in May 2022. (Read Relevant News).
Congratulations to the team members: Killian Bell, Kelly Lowry, Ken Lemieux, Marco Maggioni, Liam Sickinger, and Davis Stambolich.