Carleton wins the Wellness Bench Precast Concrete Student Design Competition
Carleton University engineering and architecture fourth year undergraduate students win first prize at the 2022-2023 Wellness Bench Precast Concrete Student Design Competition.
The team comprised of engineering students Ryan Bedrosian (Civil Engineering), Jeremy Hawke (Aerospace Engineering) and architecture students Adonis Lau (Design), André Cusson (Conservation & Sustainability), and Krisha Thakkar (Design), supervised by Associate Professor Ted Sherwood, of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Contract Instructor Richard Huot, of the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism.

‘The Balance Bench’ is inspired by the fluidity of the Rideau River and carefully arranged to promote mental health through wellness-centered design paired with an optimal site location. It looks to encourage a balance between student academic responsibilities and social life. The bench is proposed to be installed towards the South-East edge of the Carleton University campus, near Alumni Park with a proximal view of the Rideau River.
More detailed information about this project can be found here and here.