Posts sorted by News
Ormeci responds to COVID-19 questions asked to Global Water Institute
Carleton Global Water Institute professor answers questions about water/wastewater in the COVID pandemic.
Congratulations to Prof. Mario Santana Quintero for winning the Faculty of Engineering and Design 2020 Teaching Excellence Award
Prof. Banu Örmeci receives the 2020 Ottawa Chapter PEO Engineering Excellence Award.
Congratulations to Professor Banu Örmeci to win the 2020 Ottawa Chapter PEO Engineering Excellence Award.
Prof. Onita Basu receives the 2020 PEO Ottawa Chapter Citizenship Award
Congratulations to Prof. Onita Basu to win the 2020 PEO Ottawa Chapter Citizenship Award. The award program is for Professional…
Meet the Boreal Builders team
Students teamed up with Gull Bay First Nation to create housing solutions shaped by resiliency and sustainability. The group was…
Saving the Planet with Energy Efficiency
Between trying to save money and the environment, energy efficiency is something we’ve all thought about at one point or…
Al-Zouaghi wins third place at Innovation Challenge
Aisha Al-Zouaghi, an undergraduate student, who is supervised by Professor Paul Simms, won third place at an Innovation Challenge event…
ACSE students win at APT
From left to right: Travis Murison, Yifang Liu,, Jamie Marrs, Wanda Trinh, Kyra Cooper, Yasmin Anderson, Wesley Wilson, Congratulations to…
Grad students showcase research at CONnexion
Graduate students Ahmed Hassan, Geoffrey Davidson and Zhimeng Yu under the supervision of Professor David Lau, showcased their research projects…
Carleton mourns loss of Professor A. O. Abd El Halim
It is with sadness that we share the news that our esteemed colleague A. O. Abd El Halim passed away…
PhD student finalist in IEEE CASE 2019 best paper award
The Environmental Engineering PhD student, Darwish Darwazeh, supervised by Professors Burak Gunay (CEE) and Jean Duquette (MAE) was one of…
Graduate students supervised by Professors O'Brien, Gunay, Santana, and Bucking wins the first prize at the (IBPSA) conference in Rome, Italy
Graduate students Tareq Abuimara, Luminita Dumitrascu, Michael Gutland, Larissa Ide, and Adrian Soble supervised by Professors O'Brien, Gunay, Santana, and…
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