Bora Pulatsu

Assistant Professor in Architectural Conservation and Sustainability Engineering
- B.S. (Middle East Technical University), M.S. (University of Minho & Polytechnic University of Catalonia), Ph.D (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
- 4529 Mackenzie, Carleton University
- 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6
- Email Bora Pulatsu
Prof. Pulatsu’s mailbox is located in room 3432 C.J. Mackenzie Building, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6 Canada
Teaching Assignments 2024-2025
- ACSE 4101 Introduction to Structural Assessment of Historic Masonry Buildings
- CIVE 3203 Structural Analysis I
- CIVE 5210 Advanced Computational Modeling Strategies of Historic Buildings
Previous Teaching Assignments
- ECOR 1045 Statics
- ECOR 1046 Mechanics
- ECOR 1055 Introduction to Engineering Discipline I
- ACSE 4918 Design Project
- ACSE 4101 Introduction to Structural Assessment of Historic Masonry Buildings
- CIVE 3203 Structural Analysis I
- CIVE 5705 Advanced Computational Modeling Strategies of Historic Buildings
Research Interests
• Advanced computational modeling: Implementation and application of discontinuum and continuum-based numerical methods to better understand the behavior and fracture mechanism of quasi-brittle construction materials and RC structural members.
• Structural analysis of historical masonry structures via data-driven modeling strategies to predict their short- and long-term performances under frequent and exceptional actions.
• Seismic assessment of modern and historic masonry/RC structures by integrating non-destructive techniques (NDT) into numerical tools via a multi-disciplinary approach.
• Thermo-mechanical coupling problems in concrete and masonry.
• Computational modeling of structured and unstructured discontinua (nano, micro, meso and macro level)
• Testing and simulation of sustainable building materials/structures.
• Soil-structure interaction phenomenon in bridges and retaining walls.