Cole Van De Ven

Assistant Professor in Environmental Engineering
- B.Eng. (McMaster), Ph.D. (Queen’s)
- 4531 Mackenzie, Carleton University
- 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6
- Email Cole Van De Ven
Prof. Van De Ven’s mailbox is located in room 3432 C.J. Mackenzie Building, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6 Canada
Dr. Van De Ven’s research focuses on quantifying, monitoring, and reducing the impacts of human activity on the near-surface environment as a result of energy development and storage, industrial processes, waste storage, and climate change. These impacts include the release of greenhouse gases, groundwater contamination, and the reduction of soil quality. His work quantifies physical, chemical, and biological processes in the subsurface to enhance monitoring efforts, quantify risk, and develop mitigation strategies. Dr. Van De Ven’s research uses high-resolution experimentation at a variety of scales (cm- to field-scale), coupled with advanced analytical techniques and numerical modeling. Research interests include:
- Contaminant hydrogeology
- Geo-environmental engineering
- Groundwater, soil gas, and gas flux monitoring
- Environmental sensors
- Multiphase flow in porous media
- Multicomponent mass transfer
To learn more, please visit the Van De Ven Research Group website.
Dr. Van De Ven is keen to work with enthusiastic and talented students. Students should have a background in civil engineering, environmental engineering, geological engineering, geosciences, environmental sciences, or related fields. Please email (with the subject line “Van De Ven Research Opportunity”) Dr. Van De Ven ( to discuss opportunities. Please include a cover letter outlining interests and your CV.
Teaching Assignments 2024-2025
- ENVE 2001 Process Analysis for Environmental Engineering
- ENVE 5207 Energy Development and the Critical Zone
- ENVE 4006/5301 Contaminant Hydrogeology
Previous Teaching Assignments
- ENVE 4006/5301 Contaminant Hydrogeology
- ENVE 4918 Design Project
- ECOR 1055 Introduction to Engineering Discipline I
- ECOR 2050 Design and Analysis of Engineering Experiments
- ENVE 2001 Process Analysis for Environmental Engineering
- ENVE 5702 Energy Development and the Critical Zone