Jennifer Drake

Associate Professor in Smart, Healthy, and Sustainable Communities and Environments and Canada Research Chair in Stormwater and Low Impact Development (Tier II)
- B.Eng& Scty (McMaster University), M.A.Sc. (University of Guelph), Ph.D. (University of Guelph),
- 3042 Minto Centre for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Carleton University
- 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6
- Email Jennifer Drake
Prof. Drake’s mailbox is located in room 3432 C.J. Mackenzie Building, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6 Canada
Teaching Assignment 2024-2025
- CIVE 4307 Municipal Hydraulics
- ENVE 5705 Stormwater Management & Low Impact Development
Previous Teaching Assignments
- CIVE 4307 Municipal Hydraulics
- ENVE 5705 Stormwater Management & Low Impact Development
Research Interests
Prof. Drake has distinguished herself as one of Canada’s leading experts in stormwater management, low impact development (LID) and green infrastructure. Her work draws heavily on principles of sustainability, best management practices and holistic, interdisciplinary design, and she has made significant contributions that have advanced stormwater design, operations, and maintenance for the unique climate and urban environments of Canadian cities. She is distinctive in that her research has advanced the state of knowledge for a broad and diverse range of stormwater systems including conventional conveyance and end-of-pipe controls, vegetated or living infrastructure and infiltration-based technologies.
- Scott, J., Sarabian, T., Bowers, R., & Drake, J. (2022). Assessing the benefits of early and repeated maintenance with regenerative air street sweepers on permeable interlocking concrete pavements. J. Sustain. Water Built Environ. 8(3):06022002.
- Yin, Y. & Drake, J. (2022). Seasonal pre-development conditions of a proposed low impact development neighbourhood. Can. Water Resource. J. 47(1): 61 – 82.
- Liao, W., Drake, J., & Thomas, S. (2022). Biochar granulation enhances plant performance on a green roof substrate. Science of the Total Environ., 813, 152638.
- Almaaitah, T., Appleby, M., Rosenblat, H., Drake, J., & Joksimovic, D. (2021). The potential of blue-green infrastructure as a climate change adaptation strategy: a systematic literature review. Blue-Green Systems. 3(1): 223 – 248.
- Spraakman, S. & Drake, J. (2021). Hydrologic and soil properties of mature bioretention cells in Ontario, Canada. Water Sci. & Technol. 84(12): 3541-3560
- Halim, M., Vantellingen, J., Gorgolewski., A., Rose, W., Drake, J., Margolis, L. & Thomas, S. (2021). Greenhouse gases and green roofs: carbon dioxide and methane flux in relation to substrate characteristics. Urban Ecosystems.
- Scott, S., Sarabian, T., Bowers, R. & Drake, J. (2021). Testing restorative maintenance technologies for permeable interlocking concrete pavements. Urban Water 19(3): 221-232.
- Gu, X., Rodgers, T., Spraakman, S., Van Seters, T., Flick, R., Diamond, M., Drake, J., & Passeport, E. Trace organic contaminant transfer and transformation in bioretention cells: A field tracer test with benzotriazole. Environ. Sci. Technol. 55(18): 12281-12290.
- Smyth, K., Drake, J., Li., Y., Rochman, C., Van Seters, T., Passeport, E. (2020). Bioretention cells remove microplastics from urban stormwater. Water Res. 191: 116785
- Spraakman, S., Rodgers, T., Monri-Fung, H., Nowicki, A., Diamond, M., Passeport, E., Thuna, M., & Drake, J. (2020). A need for standardized reporting: A scoping review of bioretention research 2000 – 2019. Water 12(11): 3122.
- Scott, J., Sarabian, T., Bowers, R., & Drake, J. (2020). An accelerated clogging method by manual application of sediments for permeable interlocking concrete pavements. J. Test. Eval. 50(1).
- Marvin, J., Scott, J., Van Seters, T., Bowers, R. & Drake, J. (2020). Winter maintenance of permeable interlocking concrete pavement: evaluating opportunities to reduce road salt pollution and improve winter safety. Transp. Res. Rec. 2675(2): 174-186.
- Spraakman, S., Van Seters, T., Drake, J., & Passeport, E. (2020). A comparative field evaluation of bioretention infiltration and treatment performance post-construction and at maturity. Ecol. Eng. 158: 106036.
- Jahanfar, A., Drake, J., Gharabaghi, B., & Sleep, B. (2020). An experimental and modeling study of evapotranspiration from integrated green roof photovoltaic systems. Ecol. Eng. 152: 105767.
- Drake, J., Sarabian, T., & Scott, J., (2020). Maintenance Equipment Testing on Accelerated Clogged Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavements. Prepared for the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Instituted Foundation for Education and Research.
- Drake, J., Marvin, J., & Scott, J., (2020). De-icing Operations for Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavements. Prepared for the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Instituted Foundation for Education and Research.
- Marvin, J., Passeport, E. & Drake, J. (2019) State-of-the-Art Review of Phosphorus Sorption Amendments in Bioretention Media: A Systematic Literature Review. J. Sustain. Water. Build. 6(1):03119001.
- Jahanfar, A., Drake, J., Sleep, B., & Margolis, L. (2019). Evaluating the shading effect of photovoltaic panels on green roof discharge reduction and plant growth. J. Hydrol. 568: 919-928.
- Sehgal, K., Drake, J., Van Seters, T., & Vander Linden, K. (2018). Improving restorative maintenance practices for mature permeable interlocking concrete pavements. Water 2019 (10):1588.
- Hill, J., Fryer, M., Drake, J. & Sleep, B. (2019). The effect of intra-particle porosity and inter-particle voids on the properties of soilless media. Vadose Zone J. 18(1):1-13.
- Jahanfar, A., Drake, J., Gharabaghi, B., & Sleep, B. (2018). A modified FAO evapotranspiration model for refined water budget analysis for green roof systems. Ecol. Eng. 119: 45-53.
- Tahseen, S., Drake, J. & Karney, B. (2018). Increased hydropower potential at Niagara: A scenario-based analysis. Canada J. Civ. Eng. 45(8): 676 – 683.
- For more information, visit Prof. Drake’s Google Scholar Page.