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First-Year Internship Feedback Form (Student/Employee)

First-Year Internship Feedback Form (Employee/Student)


Please rate how employers did on the following: (All responses are kept anonymous)

Explained the purpose of the internship position.
Presented concepts in clear and simple ways.
Maintained my interest throughout the duration of the position.
Thoroughly answered questions.

How satisfied are you with the following aspects of the program? (All responses are kept anonymous)

General Knowledge gained
Relevancy of experience to interests interests
Opportunity to learn new technology technology
The program as a whole

You can upload your video/photo below.

Providing a short clip or photos for the website is the best way to inform future students of this program. If you decide to share your experience you can upload a short clip as an attachment below. Just remember, natural lighting and a distraction free background would ensure the focus is on you. You can use the University logo brand template as a background.
Max. file size: 15 MB.
By checking this box, I am providing consent to the Department to share in their website ( any photos, information and statement shared in this feedback form.