The Joint Institute courses ( i.e. CIVJ and ENVJ courses) are graduate courses, usually taught at the University of Ottawa. The lists of these University of Ottawa courses and course outlines can be obtained from the Department of Civil Engineering and the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Ottawa.
Resilient Infrastructure and Sustainable Urban Futures
ENVE 5702
Energy Development and the Critical Zone
ENVE 5703
Radiative Transfer and Remote Sensing
ENVE 5704
Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Quantification
ENVE 5705
Storm Water Management and Low Impact Development
ENVE 5706
Data Analytics for Buildings
Courses with specific requirements:
CIVE 5900 or ENVE 5900 (the Master’s project — requires continuous registration)
CIVE 5906 and CIVE 6906 or ENVE 5906 and ENVE 6906 or BLDG 5906 and BLDG 6906 (two directed studies per program — these courses require special permission; the form is available here. For more information, please email
CIVE 5909 or ENVE 5909 or BLDG 5909 (the Master’s thesis — requires continuous registration)
CIVE 6909 or ENVE 6909 or BLDG 6909 (the Doctoral thesis — requires continuous registration)
ENVE 5800 or ENVE 7800 (Master’s and Ph.D. respectively. This is the course for the seminar series. Civil Engineering students will also need to participate in the Civil Engineering Seminar series. You will learn the requirements at the orientation session at the beginning of the academic year. You must fulfill these requirements in order to graduate.)