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Graduate Course Outlines

The Joint Institute courses ( i.e. CIVJ and ENVJ courses) are graduate courses, usually taught at the University of Ottawa. The lists of these University of Ottawa courses and course outlines can be obtained from the Department of Civil Engineering and the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Ottawa.

Building Engineering

Course Code Title
BLDG 5101Introduction to Building Engineering
BLDG 5103 Advanced Research Methods
BLDG 5014Indoor Air Quality
BLDG 5301Building Energy Management and Optimization
BLDG 5302Building Services Engineering

Civil Engineering

Course CodeTitle
CIVE 5101Solid Mechanics
CIVE 5102 Advanced Elasticity
CIVE 5103Finite Element Analysis I
CIVE 5104 Earthquake Engineering and Analysis*
CIVE 5105 Finite Element Analysis II
CIVE 5106Dynamics of Structures
CIVE 5107 Finite Elements in Field Problems
CIVE 5108Nonlinear Analysis and Design of Advanced Earthquake-Resistant Structures*
CIVE 5200Masonry Design
CIVE 5201Advanced Computational Modelling Strategies of Historic Buildings
CIVE 5203 Theory of Structural Stability
CIVE 5204 Advanced Steel Structures
CIVE 5205Advanced Structural Analysis
CIVE 5206 Pre-stressed Concrete
CIVE 5208 Advanced Reinforced Concrete
CIVE 5209 Geotechnical Case Studies
CIVE 5210 Advanced Computational Modelling Strategies of Historic Buildings
CIVE 5300 Advanced Soil Mechanics
CIVE 5303 Pavements and Materials
CIVE 5304 Intercity Transportation
CIVE 5305 Traffic Engineering
CIVE 5306 Highway Materials
CIVE 5307 Urban Transportation Planning and Management
CIVE 5308 Geometric Design
CIVE 5309 Transportation Supply
CIVE 5310Road Safety Analysis
CIVE 5401 Transportation Economics
CIVE 5402 Transportation Terminals
CIVE 5403Airport Planning
CIVE 5404 Introduction to Infrastructure Management
CIVE 5500 Earth Retaining Structures
CIVE 5501Advanced Foundation Engineering
CIVE 5502 In-Situ Geotechnique
CIVE 5503 Numerical Methods in Geomechanics
CIVE 5504 Seepage Through Soils
CIVE 5505 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
CIVE 5506Fundamentals of Geomechanics
CIVE 5507Blast Load Effects on Structures
CIVE 5600 Project Management
CIVE 5601 Engineering, Statistics, and Probabilities
CIVE 5602 Advanced Computer-Aided Design
CIVE 5603Advanced Building Characterization, Conservation and Rehabilitation
CIVE 5605 Design of Steel Bridges
CIVE 5606Design of Concrete Bridges
CIVE 5607 Introduction to Bridge Design
CIVE 5609 Fundamentals of Fire Protection Engineering
CIVE 5610Fire Dynamics I
CIVE 5611 People in Fires
CIVE 5612 Fire Modelling
CIVE 5613 Fire Dynamics II
CIVE 5614 Design for Fire Resistance
CIVE 5615 Fire Behaviour of Materials
CIVE 5616 Wood Structures and Fire
CIVE 5617 Intro to Practical Applications of Fire Protection

Special Topics in Structures

Course CodeTitle
CIVE 5705 Project Management for Existing Building Rehabilitation
CIVE 5706 Advanced Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete
CIVE 5707 Energy Modelling for Existing Building
CIVE 5708 Building Energy Management and Optimization
CIVE 5709 Building Enclosure Design

Special Topics in Geotechnique

Course CodeTitle
CIVE 5800Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering
CIVE 5801Terrain Analysis

Special Topics in Transportation

Course CodeTitle
CIVE 5805 Transportation and Aviation Security
CIVE 5806Advanced Pavement Engineering and Management
CIVE 5807 Railway Transportation in the 21st Century
CIVE 5808 Transportation network analysis
CIVE 5809 Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering
CIVE 5810 Introduction to Practical Applications of Fire Protection

Environmental Engineering

Course CodeTitle
ENVE 5001 Biofilm Processes
ENVE 5003 Advanced Ultraviolet Processes
ENVE 5004 Advanced Wastewater Treatment
ENVE 5101 Air Pollution Control
ENVE 5102 Traffic-related Air Pollution
ENVE 5103 Air Quality Modelling
ENVE 5104 Indoor Environment Quality
ENVE 5105  Atmospheric Aerosols
ENVE 5106Atmospheric Chemical Transport Modelling
ENVE 5200 Climate Change and Engineering
ENVE 5201 Geo-Environmental Engineering
ENVE 5203 Hazardous and Radioactive Waste
ENVE 5204 Resource Industry Waste Management
ENVE 5205Sludge Treatment and Disposal
ENVE 5206Energy and Resource Recovery From Waste
ENVE 5207Energy Development and the Critical Zone
ENVE 5301 Contaminant Hydrogeology
ENVE 5302 Case Studies in Hydrogeology
ENVE 5303 Multiphase Flow in Soils
ENVE 5204 Resource Industry Waste Management
ENVE 5401 Environmental Impacts of Major Projects
ENVE 5402 Finite Elements in Field Problems

Special Topics in Environmental Engineering

Course CodeTitle
ENVE 5701 Resilient Infrastructure and Sustainable Urban Futures
ENVE 5702 Energy Development and the Critical Zone
ENVE 5703 Radiative Transfer and Remote Sensing
ENVE 5704 Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Quantification
ENVE 5705 Storm Water Management and Low Impact Development
ENVE 5706 Data Analytics for Buildings

Courses with specific requirements: