Laboratory Facilities

The Minto Centre for advanced studies in Engineering, opened in 1992, houses most of the laboratories for the department.

The state of the art structures lab boasts a strong floor that measures 11m X 27 m with a clear height of 11 m and a strong pit of 3 m X 3.7 m X 6.6 m.

High capacity testing machines, state of the art data acquisition systems, hydraulic actuators and
frames enable structures as large as ship frames
to be tested.

The shop facilities enable students to experiment with materials from wood, steel and concrete to advanced materials like carbon fiber reinforced structures.

The structures lab can also accommodate large scale experiments in geotechnical and environmental areas.

The Environmental Engineering laboratory in the Mackenzie building accommodates leading-edge research equipment.

Final year undergraduate students often undertake experimental work for their Engineering Project.

Fume-hoods ensure the safe handling of chemicals.

The Advanced Geotechnical Research Laboratory is one of the most comprehensively equipped geotechnical research laboratories in Canada. Recently added state-of-the-art Hollow Cylinder Torsional shear (HCT), and Triaxial (TRX) devices permit testing along prescribed stress or strain paths. In addition, an NGI type simple shear (SS), a Resonant Column device, and various routine geotechnical test devices are also available for fundamental experimental research.