Mike Cunningham

Member, CEE Advisory Committee and Senior geotechnical engineer, Marathon Drilling
- M.Eng. Geotechnical Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario; 1994 B.Eng. Civil Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, 1992
Mike is a senior geotechnical engineer with Marathon Drilling, now Marathon Underground Constructors Corporation, and has 24 years of experience working on a broad range of projects including building and bridge foundations, excavations, tunnels, slope stability assessments, embankment design, culverts, and retaining walls. Mike’s contributions to these projects have ranged from planning studies, preliminary design, detailed design, and construction inspection, as well as providing construction advice in the role of contractor’s and owner’s engineer. Mike provided these services as a consultant for over 22 years, ultimately taking a leadership role within a group of over 40 engineers and technicians, while providing services to the public as well as private sectors. At Marathon Underground Constructors Corporation, Mike provides in-house engineering support for Marathon’s construction work, particularly related to tunnelling and trenchless construction, deep foundation construction, and excavation shoring, as well as for related works such as anchor construction and ground improvement.