Posts sorted by A.O. Abd El Halim
Paving the Way to Better Roads
As a graduate student at Carleton University, Moustafa Awadalla, worked with Prof. Abd El Halim and Prof. Yasser Hassan, to investigate…
Professor Halim interviewed by CBC radio about asphalt quality
Cheap asphalt doesn't necessarily lead to bad roads: engineer. To listen (runs 12:00)
Dr. Abd El Halim elected to Academy
Professor Halim has been elected by the Fellows of the Canadian Academy of Engineering to become a member of the…
Professor Halim Receives Prestigious Award
Canada’s Transport Minister John Baird and the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) today announced the winners of the 2009 Canadian…
Professor Halim panelist at 1st Euro-Aroba Real Estate Conference
Professor Abd El Halim, Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is one of five distinguished panelists at…
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