Tuesday, September 3, 2024Foreign Interference in a Geopolitical Context: Transnational Linkages, Diaspora Mobilisation and Grey Zone ConflictForeign Interference in a Geopolitical Context PIFI Submission The threat of foreign interference continues to grow and evolve as the geopolitical structure of the world changes. Canada is often targeted by adversaries, and allies, who seek to advance their interests through transnational means, such as mobilising diaspora groups and hybrid... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015Fuelling Conflict or Financing Peace and Development: Part 2In determining whether MNCs can play an effective role in conflict prevention, it is essential to understand the factors that affect corporate behaviour in conflict zones. This requires an evaluation of the risk assessment methodologies that underlie corporate decisions about their investments in a conflict-prone country, and an analysis of the... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015Fuelling Conflict or Financing Peace and Development: Part 1Foreign direct investment by western-based MNC's in developing countries is argued to be both a potential source of conflict and an instrument to promote development and peace. Yet there has been very little analysis of the micro-level factors that determine whether an MNC is likely to have a positive or negative ipmapct on a... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015The Private Sector and Conflict Prevention MainstreamingThis is the first of several reports that identify a role for CIFP in providing a risk assessment service to the private sector. In discussing the role of the private sector in preventing violent conflict, this report focuses primarily on multinational corporations (MNCs). Issues related to the risks and responsibilities of MNCs in conflict-prone... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015Private Sector Risk Analysis and Conflict Impact Assessment: Measuring the Reverse Flow of RiskThis report is the follow-up submission to Ashley Campbell's paper entitled The Private Sector and Conflict Prevention Mainstreaming: Risk Analysis and Conflict Impact Assessment Tools for Multinational Corporations. Based on the established need to mainstream conflict prevention in the private sector, this report provides multinational companies... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015Corporate Social Responsibility: The Business CaseThis is the first of several reports that identify a role for CIFP in providing a risk assessment service to the private sector. In discussing the role of the private sector in preventing violent conflict, this report focuses primarily on multinational corporations (MNCs). Issues related to the risks and responsibilities of MNCs in conflict-prone... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015Commerce & Conflict: Angola and DiamondWorksThrough the application of CIFP Country Risk Indicators, this report analyzes the interplay of Angolan country and industry dynamics with the corporate activity of DiamondWorks, a Canadian-owned diamond mining company that held operations in the province of Lunda Norte during the year 1998. This analysis is used to identify volatile country and... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015Measuring the Reverse Flow of Risk: A Case Study of the Monywa Copper Project in BurmaCIFP has its origins in a prototype geopolitical database developed by the Canadian Department of National Defence in 1991. The prototype project called GEOPOL covered a wide range of political, economic, social, military, and environmental indicators through the medium of a rating system. In 1997, under the guidance of Andre Ouellete, John... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015Reforming the Financier to Reduce Intrastate ConflictThis paper has three complementary objectives: to examine whether Export Development Canada (EDC) may have contributed to intrastate conflict by providing financing to Canadian companies operating in conflict-prone countries; to illustrate that export credit agencies (ECA) should be seen as a tool for the implementation of a state's foreign... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015Measuring the Reverse Flow of Risk: A Case Study of the Marlin Mine Project in GuatemalaThis report was written to analyze the involvement of a Canadian mining company in Guatemala in order to better understand how the actions of a multinational corporation (MNC) can positively and negatively affect an area characterized by latent conflict. This case study was modelled after a similar case study performed by Terry Bell on... MoreThursday, October 31, 2013Tools for The Extractive IndustryThis is the first of several reports that identify a role for CIFP in providing a risk assessment service to the private sector. In discussing the role of the private sector in preventing violent conflict, this report focuses primarily on multinational corporations (MNCs). Issues related to the risks and responsibilities of MNCs in conflict-prone... MoreFriday, October 25, 2013Indicators for the Extractive Industry- Sample BriefThe successful conclusion of the first multi-party elections in 46 years and its eventual acceptance by all parties bodes well for state legitimacy. Worsening of the security situation affects government cohesion and overall authority. Capacity also continues to be challenged by the state’s inability to deploy resources toward productive ends,... More Share: Twitter, Facebook Short URL: https://carleton.ca/cifp/?p=22