Research Focus

The COVID-19 pandemic has made the impact of social inequities more visible, and increased the vulnerability of traditionally underrepresented groups within the workplace. Measures such as physical distancing, working from home, loss of work, etc., had both immediate and potentially long-term implications for inclusion at work.

Of particular interest has been the impact on the most vulnerable workers in our communities. These include, among others, new Canadians, Indigenous individuals, individuals with disabilities, parents tasked with both working from home and educating their children, those in remote communities, those without access to home internet, and those in precarious employment.

To help ensure that the needs of vulnerable populations are understood and taken into consideration, CRIW is supporting research initiatives that explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on workplace inclusion.

To help ensure that the needs of vulnerable and underserved populations were better understood and taken into consideration during the pandemic, CRIW supported research initiatives of various kinds, exploring the impact of COVID-19 on workplace inclusion.

Project spotlight


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