The CUESEF Board of Allocators is responsible for overseeing the fund, funding decisions, and the setting of CUESEF policy. They meet in the Fall and Winter term. The Board of Allocators is made up of four student representatives from each of the Faculty’s departments, and three Faculty members including the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Design.

Current Members

Chair – Alex Greer

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering – Vacant
Department of Electronics – Chris Cresencia
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering – Vacant
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering – Vacant
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Design – Dr. Larry Kostiuk
Faculty Member – Professor Fidel Khouli


The student members are elected during the Carleton Student Engineering Society’s General Election in March of every year. Each year two students are chosen for a two year term such that there is always two students on the Board of Allocators who have experience. One of the returning student Board members will take over as chair of the Board of Allocators.

Responsibilities of a Board Member

Board Members are required to attend regularly, albeit spaced out, meetings. These usually happen within a week of the proposals being due. The members are also responsible for promoting CUESEF to the student body, promoting their elections, and advertising the proposal deadlines. The chair is also responsible for updating the website and contacting projects about the allocation decisions once they are made.