Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

First CUES-CGES major joint event of 2014–15

October 9, 2014 at 6:00 PM to 12:00 AM

Location:Foyer (overlooking the quadrangle) Tory Building
Cost:$5 ($3 for paid-up CUES members)—tickets and CUES memberships available at the door

Please come and support the first of this year’s major joint events hosted by the Carleton Undergraduate Economics Society (CUES) and the Carleton Graduate Economics Society (CGES). After a pizza and soft-drink reception, Professor Nicholas Rowe will give a fairly short, but informative, presentation on “The Representative Agent Does Not Know What He or She is Doing!” Hope to see you there.

The Representative Agent Does Not Know What He or She is Doing!

A public presentation by Professor Nicholas Rowe.

A joint event sponsored by the Carleton Undergraduate Economics Society (CUES) and the Carleton Graduate Economics Society (CGES).

A pizza-and-soft-drink reception will precede the presentation proper, which will take place in a nearby classroom.

Financial support provided by FPA, the Department of Economics, CUSA, and the GSA.