Math Tutorials for B.ECON Students Currently Registered Concurrently in ECON 1402 & ECON 2020

Ahmad M. (current PhD candidate in Economics) will be holding in person tutorial sessions for B.ECON students who are currently registered concurrently in ECON 1402 & ECON 2020.

Video Series: Introduction to Derivatives of Function:

  1. Intro to Derivatives of Function (11:15)
  2. Intro to Derivatives of Function – Example 1 (8:34)
  3. Intro to Derivatives of Function – Example 2 (7:25)
  4. Intro to Derivatives of Function – Example 3 (5:19)
  5. Intro to Derivatives of Function – Example 4, Cobb Douglas Function (9:15)
  6. Intro to Derivatives of Function – Total Derivatives (9:20)

Math Preliminaries

Writing Preliminaries