April 2019 through present (by faculty member)
See publications from April 2009-March 2020 here.
- Louis-Phillippe Beland
Profile The Effect of opioid uses on traffic fatalities (w/ Dongwoo Kim and Jason Huh), Health Economics, 2024. link Beland, Louis-Philippe., “Traffic Congestion, Transportation Policies, and the Performance of First Responders,” (with Danny Brent), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 103, 102339, 2020 Beland, Louis-Philippe., “The Short Term Effect of COVID-19 on Self-Employed Workers in Canada,” (with Tobi Fakorede and Derek Mikola), Canadian Public Policy, 46, S66-81 2020. Beland, Louis-Philippe., “Environmental Disaster, Pollution and Infant Health: Evidence from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill” (with Sara Oloomi), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 98 (November 2019).
- Ba Chu
Profile Chu, Ba., “Predicting the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada and the US” (with Shafiullah Qureshi), Economics Bulletin, Vol. 40, Issue 3 (September 20).
- Ana Dammert
Profile Dammert, A., and J. Galdo (2021) Assessing Adult Farm Labor Statistics: Evidence from a Survey Design Experiment in Ethiopia. Economics Letters, Volume 203 Galdo, J. Dammert, A., and D. Abebaw (2021) Gender Bias in Agricultural Child Labor: Evidence from Survey Design Experiments. World Bank Economic Review, 35(4):872-891. Dammert, A. and A. Nansamba (2023) Skills Training and Business Outcomes: Experimental Evidence from Liberia World Development, 162 Alzua, M., N. Cantet, A. Dammert, and D. Olajide (2024) The Wellbeing Effects of an Old Age Pension: Experimental Evidence for Ekiti State in Nigeria. Journal of African Economies,33(3): Pages 240–270.
- Stephen Ferris
Profile Ferris, Stephen., “Political Partisanship and the Economic Outcomes: Canada, 1870-2020” CESifo Economic Studies (2024) Vol. 70, Issue 2, pp. 84-98, with Marcel Voia: DOI: 10.1093/cesifo/ifas007. Ferris, Stephen., “Between election rivalry and the agency costs of government: the effectiveness of party competition across Indian States, 1957 – 2018” Public Finance Review (2024) Vol. 52, Issue 3, pp. 314-344. with Bharatee Dash. doi.org/10.1177/10911421231204651. Ferris, Stephen., “Inequality, Transaction Costs and Voter Turnout: evidence from Canadian Provinces and Indian States” Public Choice (2023) Vol 194 Issue 3-4, pp. 325-346. with Bharatee Dash and Marcel Voia. DOI: 10.1007/s11127-022-01035-8 Ferris, Stephen., “Do Rival Political Parties Enforce Government Efficiency? Evidence from Canada, 1867 – 2021” European Journal of Political Economy” (2023) Vol. 77 Issue 2, pp. xx, with Marcel Voia online at doi.org/10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2022.102313. Ferris, Stephen., “Elections, Economic Outcomes and Policy Choices in Canada: 1870 – 2015” Applied Economics Vol.53, No. 16, pp. 1840-1855, (2021), https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2020.1853670, with Marcel Voia. Ferris, Stephen., “Political Competitiveness and the Private-Public Structure of Public Expenditure: A model and empirics for the Indian States” International Tax and Public Finance (2021), with Stanley L. Winer, Bharatee Bhusana Dash and Pinaki Chakraborty https://doi.org/10.1007/s10797-020-09642-1 Ferris, Stephen., “What happens when voting rules change? the case of New Zealand” Constitutional Political Economy Vol 31, No 3, pp. 267-291, (September 2020) https://doi:10.1007/s10602-020-09312-8. Ferris, Stephen., “Economic Performance and Electoral Volatility: Testing the Economic Voting Hypothesis on Indian States, 1957 – 2013 Party Politics (online May 2020), with Bharatee Dash, available online at https://doi.org/10.1177/1354068820923706 Ferris, Stephen., “Political Parties in Canada: What determines entry, exit and the duration of their lives?” Party Politics Vol. 26, No. 5 (September 2020), pp. 543–554 with Marcel Voia; available online at https://doi.org/10.1177/1354068818793659. Ferris, Stephen., “The Measurement of Electoral Competition, With Application to Indian States” Electoral Studies Vol. 62, pp. 1-21 (December 2019) with Bharatee Dash and Stan Winer. Ferris, Stephen., “Expenditure Visibility and Voter Memory” Economics of Governance Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 129-157 (June 2019) with Bharatee Dash; online at https://doi.org/10.1007/s10101-018-0216-1.
- José Galdo
Profile Galdo, José C., “Gender Bias in Agricultural Child Labor: Evidence from Experimental Survey Designs”. World Bank Economic Review 2020, https://doi.org/10.1093/wber/lhaa021, (with Ana Dammert and Degnet Abebaw) Galdo, José C., “Demand-Driven Youth Training Programs: Experimental Evidence from Mongolia”, 2020. World Bank Economic Review, https://doi.org/10.1093/wber/lhaa013, (with Maria Laura Alzúa, Soyolmaa Batbekh, Altantsetseg Batchuluun, Bayarmaa Dalkhjav). Galdo, José C., “Digital Labor-Market Intermediation and Subjective Job Expectations”. 2020. Published in: Alberto Chong and Monica Yanez-Pagans (ed.) Information Technologies and Economic Development in Latin America. Anthem Press, Wimbledon Publishing Company, (with A. Dammert and V. Galdo)
- Chris Gunn
Profile Gunn, Christopher M., “Monetary news shocks,” (with Nadav Ben Zeev and Hashmat Khan), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, December 2019.
- Hashmat Khan
Profile Khan, Hashmat., “The Shifts in Lead-Lag Properties of the US Business Cycle“(with Joshua Brault). Economic Inquiry, Volume 58, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 319-334. Khan, Hashmat., “Monetary News Shocks” (with Nadav Ben Zeev and Christopher Gunn). Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, December 2019. Khan, Hashmat., “Rules-Based Monetary Policy and the Threat of Indeterminacy When Trend Inflation Is Low” (with Louis Phaneuf and Jean-Gardy Victor). Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 114; October 2020. Khan, Hashmat., “Does Business Confidence Matter for Investment?” (with Santosh Upadhayaya). Empirical Economics, April 2019. Khan, Hashmat., “Carbon Emissions and Business Cycles.” (with Christopher R. Knittel, Konstantinos Metaxoglou, and Maya Papineau). NBER Working Paper 22294. With financial support from an SSHRC IDG Grant. Journal of Macroeconomics [Lead Article], Volume 60, June 2019, Pages 1-19.
- Minjoon Lee
Profile Lee, Minjoon., “Forced Retirement Risk and Portfolio Choice” (with Guodong Chen and Tong-yob Nam), Journal of Empirical Finance, 58, September 2020. Lee, Minjoon., “Heterogeneity in Expectations, Risk Tolerance, and Household Stock Shares,” (with John Ameriks, Gábor Kézdi, and Matthew D. Shapiro), Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 38 (3), June 2020. Lee, Minjoon., “Older Americans Would Work Longer If Jobs Were Flexible,” (with John Ameriks, Joseph Briggs, Andrew Caplin, Matthew D. Shapiro, and Christopher Tonetti), American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 12 (1), January 2020.
- Maya Papineau
Profile “Household benefits from energy efficiency retrofits: Implications for net zero housing policy“, with Nicholas Rivers and Kareman Yassin. Accepted, Energy Economics. Examining Disparities in Energy Poverty and Indoor Environmental Quality Satisfaction among Canadian Households,” with Pedram Nojedehi, Burak Gunay, William O’Brien, Elie Azar, Marcel Schweiker, Gülsu Ulukavak Harputlugil, and Nese Ganiç Saglam. Energy Policy Vol 194, November 2024. Papineau, Maya., “Utilities Included: Split Incentives in Commercial Electricity Contracts,” (with Katrina Jessoe and David Rapson), 2020. The Energy Journal, 41(5): 271-297. Papineau, Maya., “Carbon Emissions and Business Cycles,” (with H. Khan, C. Knittel and K. Metaxoglou), 2019. Journal of Macroeconomics [Lead Article], 60: 1-19.
- Thomas Russell
Profile Russell, Thomas M., “Sharp Bounds on Functionals of the Joint Distribution in the Analysis of Treatment Effects,” Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2019, 1–15.
- Matt Webb
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