Summer co-op recruitment is underway and will continue throughout the coming months until the summer term begins. To post your job, simply visit our employer website, to get started! You are also welcome to send us an email with your job description to:

We have students available in ALL co-op programs!

If you have already posted a  summer co-op position with us, we thank you and look forward to working with you this summer!

Pass it on…
There are many talented and bright co-op students who are eager to begin or continue their co-op journey this summer. We need your help to identify opportunities for our students. Please feel free to share this email with friends and colleagues.

We want the very best for your organization.

Carleton University co-op students bring extraordinary talent along with enthusiasm to learn and apply new skills.
Your organization may be eligible to receive funding to assist with the cost of hiring a student. Explore sources of
funding including the new Student Work Placement (SWP) Program


Hire exceptional talent.

Carleton University co-op students provide a fresh perspective and bring knowledge to your organization during co-op work terms.
See Co-op programs

Invest in your future.

Hire Carleton University co-op students for 4, 8, 12 and 16-month work terms to best suit your staffing needs. See student availability

Save the Date!

Recruitment Events at Carleton University. See our Winter 2020 schedule.

Contact us today to find out how we can help!