What is it?

Employees traveling on University business or making purchases on behalf of the University may be eligible to be reimbursed.  In some cases, a collective agreement may outline specific allowable professional development expense reimbursements.

Why is it important?

To ensure that employees are not out-of-pocket for University expenses, Carleton has a number of vehicles for reimbursement.  Depending on the type and nature of expense:

Type of Expense Form/process Employee group
Travel related expenses Travel and Expense Reimbursement System Anyone who needs to be reimbursed
Non-travel related expenses Travel and Expense Reimbursement System Anyone who needs to be reimbursed
‘Professional Expense Reimbursement’ Fund expenses Travel and Expense Reimbursement System Members of CUASA
‘Professional Development Fund’ expenses Travel and Expense Reimbursement System Contract Instructors

Where do I find more information?