When checking out a cart with a cheque requisition, you should enter your own address.

What should a cheque requisition be used for:

A cheque requisition form can be used to request payment to an individual or vendor when the following criteria have been met:

  • A Purchase Order has not been processed in eShop for the invoice received, and
  • The payment is not for personal reimbursement of business expenses (Travel and non-travel claims as well as professional expense reimbursement must be done using the SAP Concur Travel and Expense Reimbursement System)

Filling out addresses on the actual cheque requisition form:

In eShop, you first fill out the cheque requisition form (Review the ‘Cheque requisition forms for payment to vendors’ how-to sheet). When you are filling out this form, the vendor or individual’s information will be entered directly into the form. If a cheque is to be issued, this is the address that it will be sent to.

If a cheque has to be sent directly to a department, these instructions should be specified on the form in the ‘Additional information for Accounts Payable can be entered in the box below.’ section of the form.

Checking out your cart:

Once you have added the form to your cart, it is time to checkout (i.e. submit your form for approvals). During this step you will be asked to enter your address or your default address will be applied. You should enter your address (i.e. this does NOT dictate where a cheque will be sent).