Brittany Mae Savard

What is your favourite thing about the program?

I loved that the courses crossed over into other programs so you had the opportunity to experience a variety of courses outside of your program as well as meet people who are from outside WGST. You also gain greater knowledge of multiple subjects because the topics we discuss can be applied to everything. I have attended two universities and in both WGST programs, they always offer outside events so that practicing activism was not left in the classroom.

What will you miss the most?

I think I will miss the discussions; I liked in classes when we would spend most of the class discussing an issue and you felt comfortable enough to share our own experiences.

Favourite place on campus?

The New Sun Joy Maclaren Adaptive Technology Centre.

What is your favourite reading/book/text from the program?

Angie Thomas’s The Hate U Give.

What’s next for you?

At the moment I am working at Toyota Boshoku but I am trying to write on the side. My goal is to continue writing focusing on film, LGBTQ and Indigenous issues. I would like to go into Publishing and Editing or work as a Writer/Producer for television and film.