David Coletto, CEO & Founder, Abacus Data

David Coletto harnesses the data-collection power of his company, Abacus Data, to deliver strategic advice and research design expertise to leading Canadian corporations, advocacy groups, and political leaders. He started out running polls on political parties and public policy and has since grown Abacus Data into one of Canada’s leading polling firms. One area of expertise is the firm’s focus on generational change.
“Millennials have an incredible amount of optimism, self-confidence, and expectations about what they can achieve,” says Coletto. In his data, he has found that people of his generation feel entitled to flexible, meaningful work and are entirely comfortable with digital communications. As an X (Twitter) user with more than 31,000 followers, Coletto says it’s no coincidence that he started a company with the same ideals.
“Millennials can be more demanding, but they also want to make a difference,” he explains.
Coletto’s interest in influencing public policy began with a decision to enter the Strategic Public Opinion and Policy Analysis specialization in Carleton’s Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management program, graduating in 2004. He continued his studies in Political Science, earning a master’s degree in 2005, before going on to earn a PhD at the University of Calgary. Today, he teaches courses on polling as an adjunct professor in Carleton’s Arthur Kroeger College of Public Affairs.
“Carleton continues to be a fundamental part of who I am and where I am in my career and my life. I use what I learned in my research classes every single day,” he says.
It also gives him the chance to work directly with—and mentor—the next generation of researchers.
“I tell them that they need to stand out,” says Coletto, who has hired several Carleton graduates. “They need to fight the stereotype that young generations are entitled and show that they’re willing to do whatever is necessary to get and keep the job.”
In addition to running his own company, Dr. Coletto also sits as an Advisory Council Member for the Canadian Global Affairs Institute and on the Board of Directors for the Ottawa Board of Trade and Ottawa Riverkeeper. You can learn more about him by listening to his podcast, inFocus with David Coletto.
Written by Michelle Hennessy.