1. PhD: Health Sciences
  2. Additional Course Requirements

The PhD program is completed over 4 years whilst enrolled full time. Students complete core courses in advanced topics and seminars in interdisciplinary health sciences, and grant proposal writing and ethics.

The research thesis is undertaken throughout the program, and in conjunction, students participate in twice-yearly Graduate Advisory Committee meetings, give an annual research presentation, give a mid-program research defence and knowledge examination, and give a final research seminar presentation. The final thesis defence includes completion and evaluation of the written thesis and an oral examination of the thesis (viva).

PhD: Health Sciences

Required courses

  • 0.5 credit in HLTH 5903 Current Topics in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences
  • 0.5 credit in HLTH 6902 Seminars in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences for PhD
    • OR elective approved by Thesis Supervisor and Graduate Advisor
  • 0.5 credit in HLTH 6903 Grant Proposal and Ethics
  • 0.0 credit in HLTH 6909 Research thesis for PhD

Additional Course Requirements

In consultation with the supervisor and Graduate Advisor prior to acceptance, a PhD student may be required to take additional courses. These courses may be required to complement the student’s research project or fill gaps in knowledge and/or practical experience that are deemed necessary by the supervisor to conduct and complete the thesis research.