Photo of Jamie Carmichael

Jamie Carmichael

Associate Registrar of Scheduling and Systems at Carleton University

Degrees:MASc (Carleton)

Jamie Carmichael is the Associate Registrar of Scheduling and Systems at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. She is responsible for the construction of the university timetable, scheduling and administration of examinations, the operation of two examination centres for students with disabilities, a university-wide space management system, and other core student administrative systems. Since 2009, she has received ten service excellence nominations for her work that ranges from information technology projects, team acknowledgment to innovation.

Carmichael’s research lies at the intersection of academic integrity and machine learning, with graduate education in Applied Science in Technology Innovation Management (Engineering). She has presented or co-presented at national and international conferences and is often called upon by specialized groups in higher education to present on her work.

Carmichael is a busy working Mom with two children and an avid cyclist, either hitting the trails or her spin bike! Coffee, the colour green and Jane Eyre are a few of her favourite things.