Frequently Asked Questions
Here is a list of Frequently Asked Questions you may have about Carleton Leader. If your question is not covered on this list please do not hesitate to contact us! leader@carleton.ca
The senior leaders of Carleton University are active sponsors of Carleton Leader. They will be attending regular information sessions to update them on the progress of the initiatve and engage in the Carleton Leader Community. Carleton Leader is a priority because clarity in leading change and developing people are even more important in these challenging times.
Leaders are by definition distinguished by their influence, as much as by their position or authority. An organization does not choose its leaders, but it will normally seek to utilise their talent in leadership roles. Carleton Leader develops the abilities of those recognized as being leaders. There is no direct link between participation and appointments. However, Carleton Leader broadens and better equips the pool for future leadership roles.
Each Carleton Leader stream enables and equips participants with the confidence and capabilities to lead the University through the challenges it will face over the coming years.
There will be practical leadership insights, there will be a range of models of success presented that could be implemented, and there will be individual and collective reflections towards practical actions. Discovering new insights about leadership enables participants to immediately apply these discoveries to their workplace through improved behaviours, actions and processes. Participants gain a deeper understanding of the strategic issues facing higher education, Carleton University, and a range of practical responses.
The talent, energy and intellect required to address organizational challenges already reside within the university; Carleton Leader helps leaders appreciate, learn from, and expand their repertoire of practical approaches. Overall participants will build their leadership competence and confidence as part of the Carleton Leader Community.
The focus of Carleton Leader is on the development of leaders, not the training of leaders. Where training attempts to standardize by blending to a norm and acclimating to the status quo, development strives to call out the unique and differentiate by shattering the status quo. Training is something leaders dread and will try and avoid, whereas they will embrace and look forward to development. Development is nuanced, contextual, collaborative, fluid, and above all else, actionable.
The following 20 items point out some of the main differences between training and development:
- Training blends to a norm – Development occurs beyond the norm.
- Training focuses on technique/content/curriculum – Development focuses on people.
- Training tests patience – Development tests courage.
- Training focuses on the present – Development focuses on the future.
- Training adheres to standards – Development focuses on maximizing potential.
- Training is transactional – Development is transformational.
- Training focuses on maintenance – Development focuses on growth.
- Training focuses on the role – Development focuses on the person.
- Training indoctrinates – Development educates.
- Training maintains status quo – Development catalyzes innovation.
- Training stifles culture – Development enriches culture.
- Training encourages compliance – Development emphasizes performance.
- Training focuses on efficiency – Development focuses on effectiveness.
- Training focuses on problems – Development focuses on solutions
- Training focuses on reporting lines – Development expands influence.
- Training places people in a box – Development frees them from the box.
- Training is mechanical – Development is intellectual.
- Training focuses on the knowns – Development explores the unknowns.
- Training places people in a comfort zone – Development moves people beyond their comfort zones.
- Training is finite – Development is infinite.
The intended outputs can be divided into three areas (the ‘me’, ‘we’ and ‘us’); The development of individuals; an increase in collaborative practice and new networks being established across the University; the impact on the organization of having a broader, deeper, more capable, and more confident pool of staff making a contribution to its leadership and governance.
To recognize the qualities and accept the responsibilities of being a Carleton Leader. Also to appreciate that these responsibilities are continuous and not necessarily tied to the possessing a particular leadership position.
More specifically relating to the modules and events, a commitment is sought to full engagement with your cohort, including the work-based elements outside of the modules. Also to implement and advocate practical actions that you think could be beneficial in your current and future leadership roles.
Those interested in participating can be nominated by their supervisor/manager. Candidates are also permitted to self nominate provided they have support from their supervisor/manager. Nomination to “Strategic Leadership across the University” is by Carleton’s senior leaders only. Further information regarding the nomination process and nomination form can be found on our Nominations Process page.
Places are not allocated on a first come first served basis but rather are carefully constructed to ensure (as far as possible) proportionate representation by faculty/professional service, gender, and realm of responsibility.
Each cohort will be build with anywhere from 16-20 participants.
More information for each stream’s modules can be found on the specific pages and an outline of events will be circulated in advance of each module. Because the modules are responsive, flexibility has been built in, which is why detailed agendas are not circulated until after the preceding event has been reviewed. The fundamental components of each module are via inputs and provocations, conversations, facilitated sessions, group dynamics, leadership dilemmas, reflective spaces, and experiential and action-based work.
There are a wide range of practical insights presented during the modules. How these might relate to individuals´ leadership challenges will vary greatly. Carleton Leader is about fostering fresh thinking and innovative solutions, not training per se. The work-based components provide experiential and action-based elements to the modules.
The Carleton Leader benefits from both internal and external facilitators.
You should ensure that you can make all the dates for your cohort. It’s important that you attend all module sessions. Please hold these dates in your calendar. Discuss the reasons for your nomination with your manager and explore what they and you personally would like you to get out of it. Some personal reflection on the aspects of your leadership role that you would like to develop is also helpful.
Participants are asked to reflect on their leadership challenges, their strengths, and areas they would like to develop. There is no formal reading or other work required.
Participants may be asked to read a short article, look at a video clip or complete short self assessments/checklists prior to some of the modules to prepare for discussions which will take place in the workshops. These should take no longer than 1 hour.
Carleton Leader participants in “Developing Our Leadership Practice” and “Strategic Leadership across the University” will take part in Strategic Impact Group (SIG) projects and some groups do choose to spend some time outside the scheduled sessions working on these projects, particularly to prepare for the final presentations.
The value of leadership development, particularly in the context of the challenges the University will be facing, is something that already has wide recognition. The benefits will be demonstrable over time; when you are realizing these yourself that they will be fully appreciated by others as well. The impact of the Carleton Leader is not exclusive to those who have participated on modules but of benefit to the entire University. Leadership development is also just one aspect of the holistic approach that is taken for faculty/staff development in the University. That support continues to be available as they progress into leadership roles for the benefit of the whole organization.
Points raised and examples given in sessions should always be anonomized and never attributed to an individual if later repeated outside the immediate group.
It is not the expectation that an individual will automatically move through each stream of the Carleton Leader sequentially. Each stream is based on a participants area of impact and influence in their role or expected future role. It is possible however for a participant to complete each stream of Carleton Leader over their career and lifecyle of the initiative.
No, not at the moment. You will become a member of the Carleton Leader Community, which will give you access to a range of Leader Community events. You may be asked to contribute to the community by either speaking to future Carleton Leader cohorts or becoming a coach/mentor to future participants.
As an investment the Carleton Leader is evaluated in a number of ways to ensure its impact across the University. The Strategic Integrated Plan as set forth a measurement that within six months of completing the Carleton Leader, 60% of participants recognize they are taking on more of a leadership role.
All past and present Carleton Leader participants will become part of the community. This community will engage in a number of activities throughout the year to encourage networking, engagement, and creative ways of working together. More information can be found on our Carleton Leader Community page.