Carleton Leader Streams
Faculty and Staff members who are interested in the Carleton Leader may participate in one of three streams. The streams are not sequential, and it is not necessary to complete “Exploring Leadership” before moving to either of the other two. Participation in each stream is based upon an individuals’ impact and influence across the university and not directly related to their position or rank.
The cohort development and selection process will consider a number of factors including an individual’s experience, realm of current responsibility, institutional impact, and aspirations/expectations of future roles within the university. It is very possible for a participant to take part in one of the streams and move through the others as their role within the university changes over time.
Candidates of Carleton Leader are required to submit an application or be nominated by their manager/supervisor in order to participate. Participation in “Strategic Leadership across the University” is only permitted by nomination of a senior leader at the university.
Choosing the right stream is very much down to the individual. Please click on the links below to find a synopsis of each stream which will help you decide which one to apply for.
You will be responsible for a large and institutionally significant work area, involving both soft and hard resource responsibilities. You will already be involved with the university’s governance systems in some way and will be at the head of your department or expected to assume such a position in the near future. You will have led significant research groups or labs; undertaken special university wide projects; and/or academic initiatives in research or planning. Your stakeholders will be wide and varied – from your local departmental faculty/staff to senior faculty/staff across the university, to national and international leaders in your chosen field.
You may already hold a deep understanding and awareness of leadership practice and theory, gained through either formal development or your own experience and research.
The aims of Carleton Leader “Strategic Leadership across the University”:
- Move beyond traditional models of leadership towards leadership that is based on building an adaptive sustainable community in which collective leadership, more than individual leadership is more likely to address the external complexity facing higher education
- Bring a community of leaders together in an environment where what they have in common (around building and sustaining a world class university) is reinforced
- Use the actual leadership challenges and experiences of participants as sources of learning and build dialogue around these
- Involve outstanding leaders from industry and public life who are able to share their experience of leadership with participants and provide insights of leadership in a range of other organizations
- Draw on input from eminent academics and speakers with an intimate appreciation of the challenges facing higher education
- Use self-organizing action groups as part of Carleton Leader. These will be designed to produce detailed proposals for specific organizational improvements based on the emerging challenges at Carleton. These action groups will also involve significant individual and collective learning for participants to demonstrate collaborative, adaptive leadership that is better able to address pan-institutional issues
What Carleton Leader “Strategic Leadership across the University” involves:- Launch Event (half day)
- Module 1 (three days) Theme: “The World We Are In” – What kind of leadership do we need to address the unfolding issues of our time?
- Reconnect 1 (lunch)
- Module 2 (three days) Theme: “Leadership within Higher Education” – How can leaders create the environment for meaningful conversations that just might go somewhere?
- Reconnect 2 (lunch)
- Module 3 (three days) Theme: “The Authentic Leader” – Why should anyone be led by you?
- Strategic Impact Group project will be conducted outside the formal time spent together as a cohort group
- The Strategic Impact Group project work is selected and decided upon by each group
- Leadership Exchange will be conducted outside the formal time spent together as a cohort group
- The Leadership Exchange involves a day being “shadowed” by a partner in the cohort and vice versa
- Landing Event (half day)
- Post Landing Event Celebration & Reflection (lunch)
You will have formal leadership responsibilities; or be expected to in the near future, covering a significant area of work, which has university-wide impact. You will have begun to liaise with colleagues across the university and regularly contribute to departmental, faculty, and university wide teams. You will also have experience working with relevant associated professionals in your field external to the university.
You will typically have line management responsibility for a number of people, although if you don’t, you will need to influence large numbers of senior faculty/staff from across the university to be effective in your role. Your stakeholders are therefore your own team, department, faculty, senior leaders’ university wide, and external to the university.
You may already hold a broad understanding and awareness of leadership practice and theory, gained through either formal development or your own experience and research.
The aims of Carleton Leader “Developing Our Leadership Practice”:
• Equip individual leaders with the necessary awareness, capabilities and confidence
• Create a collaborative network of leaders working for and across the University
• Develop leadership practices that demonstrate a tangible contribution to the challenges faced and future aspirations of the University
What Carleton Leader “Developing Our Leadership Practice” involves:- Launch Event (half day)
- Module 1 (two days) Theme: “The World We Are In” – What kind of leadership do we need to address the unfolding issues of our time?
- Reconnect 1 (half day)
- Module 2 (two days) Theme: “Leadership within Higher Education” – How can leaders create the environment for meaningful conversations that just might go somewhere?
- Reconnect 2 (half day)
- Module 3 (two days) Theme: “The Authentic Leader” – Why should anyone be led by you?
- Reconnect 3 (half day)
- Strategic Impact Group project will be conducted outside the formal time spent together as a cohort group
- The SIG project work is selected and decided upon by each group
- Leadership Exchange will be conducted outside the formal time spent together as a cohort group
- The Leadership Exchange involves a day being “shadowed” by a partner in the cohort and vise versa
- Landing Event (half day)
- Post Landing Event Celebration & Reflection (lunch)
Your sphere of influence will be primarily within your own department/faculty and your stakeholders will be other members of your team (peers and/or line reports); your own immediate supervisor/manager/chair/director; and, in student-facing roles, students/parents. You will have an instinctual interest in leadership and want to explore the concept further.
The aims of Carleton Leader “Exploring Leadership”:
• Raise awareness of the role and challenges of leadership at Carleton
• Explore what leadership means in their current roles
• Assist individual leaders identify the necessary capabilities required to develop themselves for their current and future leadership roles.
• Help participants identify appropriate development opportunities
What Carleton Leader “Exploring Leadership” involves:- Launch Event (half day)
- Module 1 (one day) Theme: “The World We Are In” – What kind of leadership do we need to address the unfolding issues of our time?
- Reconnect 1 (lunch)
- Module 2 (one day) Theme: “Leadership within Higher Education” – How can leaders create the environment for meaningful conversations that just might go somewhere?
- Reconnect 2 (lunch)
- Module 3 (one day) Theme: “The Authentic Leader” – Why should anyone be led by you?
- Leadership Exchange will be conducted outside the formal time spent together as a cohort group
- The Leadership Exchange involves a half day being “shadowed” by a partner in the cohort and vice versa
- Observation Project will be conducted outside the formal time spent together as a cohort group
- The Observation Project involves a half day visiting a campus partner to see what collaborative leadership looks like for that team.
- Landing Event & Celebration (half day)