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Carleton Leader Streams

Faculty and Staff members who are interested in the Carleton Leader may participate in one of three streams. The streams are not sequential, and it is not necessary to complete “Exploring Leadership” before moving to either of the other two. Participation in each stream is based upon an individuals’ impact and influence across the university and not directly related to their position or rank.

The cohort development and selection process will consider a number of factors including an individual’s experience, realm of current responsibility, institutional impact, and aspirations/expectations of future roles within the university. It is very possible for a participant to take part in one of the streams and move through the others as their role within the university changes over time.

Candidates of Carleton Leader are required to submit an application or be nominated by their manager/supervisor in order to participate.  Participation in “Strategic Leadership across the University” is only permitted by nomination of a senior leader at the university.

Choosing the right stream is very much down to the individual. Please click on the links below to find a synopsis of each stream which will help you decide which one to apply for.