Tag Elkhazin
Adjunct Professor
Degrees: | M. SC (University of Washington, Seattle, USA) |
Email: | tagelkhazin@cunet.carleton.ca; elkhazin@subsaharacentre.com |
Tag trained and worked in Sudan, Sweden, South Sudan, Germany, United States of America, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Eritrea, Nigeria, Chad, Canada and the United Kingdom in Conflict and its Resolution, Peace Building, Water Resources, Human Resources, Implementation of Infra Structural and Energy Projects. He trained extensively in Strategic Studies, Peace Building and Alternative Dispute Resolution in the United Kingdom and Canada. Tag is a member of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Canada and the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) London UK.
Between 1995 and 2023, he implemented consulting contracts in or related to Africa for: Oxfam Canada, CIDA, World Food Program, The Government of South Sudan, The Kingdom of the Netherlands, UNICEF, Save the Children Fund UK, Canadian Senate, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, KPMG, the International Rescue Committee, Canada Africa Fund, Mercy Corps USA, The Forum of Federations, Rights and Democracy Centre, North South Institute, The Centre for Inter-Cultural Learning, USAID, The World Bank Multi Donor Trust Fund and for the Government of South Sudan and Shell Nigeria among others. He was an adjunct professor at Carleton University, Institute of African Studies, and was a senior fellow at NPSIA of Carleton University 2020-2023.
He is the political analyst and author of several articles and assessments on Conflict in South Sudan, IGAD/CPA and South Sudan, Water/Nile Waters, Women, Civil Society, Peace and Conflict Resolution, Darfur Political Process and generally relating to the Horn of Africa. Tag was retained by Sen. Lois Wilson, Canada’s first Peace Envoy to Sudan as her personal advisor for two years. He is a retired Adjunct Professor at Carleton University, Institute of African Studies. In 2022, he was commissioned by the President of South Sudan to lead on intensive, wide-based consultations on dredging/clearing of the Nile waters in South Sudan. In 2023 he co-organized with the Florida International University of Miami, an international conference of 2 days on “Nile River Basin and the SUDD Wetlands: Climate Change Adaptability and Sustainability,”
Tag is frequently doing conflict analysis on the Horn of Africa. He is a regular commentator in the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), Radio Canada International, Radio France International and lecturing frequently on issues of conflict in the Horn of Africa.
Tag is currently accredited as Adjunct Professor at NPSIA, Carleton University from March 2023 to end of June 2028.