Victry Anya
PhD (International Conflict Management and Resolution)
Degrees: | BSc. Political Sciences, University of Buea, Cameroon, 2003 MA. International and European Studies, Nice, France 2008 |
LinkedIn: | Connect |
Victry is a PhD candidate in the International Conflict Management and Resolution stream at the Norman Patterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA)- Carleton University. Her research focuses on root causes of civil conflicts and the role grievances continue to play.
Victry is a Foreign Service Officer with the Department of Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and works in Fragile and Conflict Affected States (FCAS). Prior to joining Global Affairs, Victry served in many capacities with the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO), and was appointed by the UN Secretary General to the Group of Experts, to support the UN Security Council’s sanctions regime.
Victry continues to work with local and international civil society organizations, diplomatic missions, and political leaders in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, on various peacekeeping, stabilization, development, and diplomatic initiatives.