This news post is more than one year old and has been retained for archive purposes. The information below may no longer be relevant.

Dear student,

You received an update this morning that Carleton and CUPE 4600 (unit 1 representing Teaching Assistants and unit 2 representing Contract Instructors) were unable to reach tentative agreements and, as a result, the union has chosen to implement its strike.

The university remains open; however, some courses may be disrupted. You can use the Course Status webpage to determine if your courses will proceed as scheduled or could be impacted. Information about your labs, tutorials and discussion groups will be communicated to you by your instructor or department. You are expected to continue your course work in all classes and attend your classes if they are being held.

Regardless of the status of your course, it is strongly recommended that you regularly check official Carleton communication channels, such as your Carleton email account (CMAIL) and Brightspace, to ensure you are receiving the most up-to-date information.

Strikes can be stressful, so please know that we are here to support you during this difficult time. All campus services, including academic departments, residence, dining locations, the Library, Athletics and Health and Wellness Services, will be open and operating during regularly scheduled business hours. Please visit the Current Students website to explore our many on campus and virtual student support services.

If you are struggling, please reach out for support. Counselling appointments continue to be available for all students, including same-day counselling appointments for students in crisis. Students can call 613-520-6674 to make an appointment to speak with our Intake Counsellor. Please visit the Wellness Website to discover a variety of tools and resources to help understand, manage and improve your mental health.

The university is committed to a successful end of term for our students. Please be assured that we will update you as more information becomes available. FAQs related to the strike can be found on the Carleton Bargaining website.


Suzanne Blanchard
Vice-President (Students and Enrolment)

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