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Responsible Investing

Central to our Responsible Investing Policies are the principles of engagement with our investment managers and collaboration with our regulator, peers, and industry associations.

Our partnerships and affiliations include:

Pension Investment Association of Canada

Members of Pension Fund Management’s team are active in the Pension Investment Association of Canada (PIAC), an organization focused on promoting sound investment practices and good governance for the benefit of pension plan sponsors and beneficiaries. We are actively involved in promoting best practices in the Tax Working Group, Ottawa Regional Council, and Asset and Return Benchmarking Committee. 

Principles for Responsible Investment

As signatories to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), Carleton University and the Carleton University Retirement Plan, commit to six principles for Responsible Investment and incorporate ESG issues into the investment practice.

University Network for Investor Engagement

Carleton University is a partner of the University Network for Investor Engagement (UNIE), a network of university pension plans, foundations, and endowments that have a collective shareholder engagement program focused on accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy in key sectors where advocacy can make the biggest difference.